Soaring with books

April 5, 2012 | My Jottings

Last night four sevenths of my grandchildren came over for a little visit. Jeremy and Carolyn’s little ones always know how to make themselves comfortable when they’re here, and it’s fun for me to see what they gravitate toward after they fly in the back door.

First there are hugs. Audrey runs to me with a loud and high-pitched “Grandmaaa!” and she throws herself at me for a hug. Clara puts her arms around me, smiles and quietly says, “Hi Grandma. I’ve missed you.” Elijah waves and gives me that dimpled grin of his, and Vivie just sort of lights up with delight in general.

The older ones usually grab books. I try to buy one or two new books each month so there will always be something new to discover when they come over. They also return to their old favorites, reading them over and over again. Last night, Clara and Elijah plopped themselves on the living room couch and plunged into the Tintin books that they love and I don’t really get.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Vivienne and Audrey set up camp on the floor and began building cathedrals and birdcages with our Magformers. Vivie went back and forth between the building and the books — she’s pictured above looking over Elijah’s shoulder as he reads. (That sounds like a book title: Between the Building and the Books…) Clara is in the pink on the left.

If anyone asked me what they should have in their house for grandchildren to enjoy, here’s what I would answer:

1.ย  Lots of drawing paper and colored pencils and crayons
2. Things to build with, like Legos and Magformers.
3. Books, books and more books.

“So it is with children who learn to read fluently and well: they begin to take flight into whole new worlds as effortlessly as young birds take to the sky.” ~ William James

I love that quote, and I love watching it happen right before my eyes even more.

I sliced up several ripe pears last night and while my four grandbabies were reading, drawing and building, they snacked on those.

I read this book out loud to the two little ones and they loved it. I would really recommend Jan Brett’s books, especially for any child who has a penchant for drawing. Her illustrations are so detailed and amazing, it seems like an art course just to study one of her delightful books.

Spending time with my grandchildren always makes me feel like the most blessed woman in the world. I just cannot wrap my mind around what treasures they are, how lavish God has been with our family, to entrust us with these seven, soon-to-be-eight little lives.

What favorite things do you have on hand for the children in your life?


  1. Ganeida says:

    For the children: books, books, books. Paper & paint/pencils. Lego. Lego. Oh, & more lego! lol

  2. Just Julie says:

    Absolutely! And you’ll have to get Magformers when you have some grandbabies. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Linda says:

    Basement is my grands favorite playroom…where they build “tents” from large cardboard pieces we’ve saved & play school w/a mounted dry eraser board….& playing “dentist” w/grandpops tools & very large magnifying light.. that “game” gives me the heebie jeebies! …But they love most when grandpop sets up 3 mike stands & microphones & they sing sing sing ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Just Julie says:

    Oh I can almost picture this, Linda. Thank you so much for sharing. I’d like to know what they sing…and do you accompany them? ๐Ÿ™‚

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