Playlist for the first weekend in August

August 1, 2013 | My Jottings

We have soft music playing a lot in our house. There’s a stereo with five CD slots and two speakers (quickly becoming obsolete) that sits on a desk in our dining room, and its position in the house makes it possible to hear the music throughout most of the first floor. In our last house we had an intercom system that played our music all over the house and I loved that. Anyway, like most people I get on listening jags where I want to hear certain CDs over and over until my brain is saturated with the music and it’s time to put them away for a while.

Here’s what’s playing frequently in our house and car lately:


This CD is from the 1990s, and we played it a lot back then. I recently read that Sarah Masen (who sort of seemed to drop out of the limelight, if you can ever call contemporary Christian music limelit) married a writer and had three children, and still sings and performs. Her name is Sarah Dark now. Anyway, this CD is in the car and I love it. The song “All Fall Down” is peppy and quirky and gets turned up and we sing along with it. Here are my favorite lyrics from that particular song:

Blow Your trumpets angels
Come sweet salvation
Shout scattered thanks
In power that’s strength
And glory
Good Lord glory
and the fool stands only to fall
But the wise trip on grace

All fall down
All fall down
Hit the ground
All fall down

But the wise trip on grace…. I love the picture that paints in my mind of tripping on grace, realizing how much mercy God has extended to me and how that makes me want to fall flat on my face in gratitude and humility and kick the pride out of my life. If you’d like to see a short video of Sarah Masen singing this quirky, peppy song, click here.

I’m also listening to someone I’ve only just learned about, in Relevant magazine. Apparently Audrey Assad has been around for a while so I feel like I need to catch up on her other CDs, but I bought one and am enjoying familiarizing myself with the songs. She’s a poet and some of her lyrics reach down into my heart and squeeze it hard. Here’s one of my favorite songs from the CD, with lyrics lower down.


Are any of you familiar with Audrey’s music?

And this very minute I can hear another old CD playing, while Michael is eating his breakfast, drinking his coffee and perusing the sports page: Celtic Worship by Eden’s Bridge.

Celtic Worship

We have most of their work and I find it very transporting in more ways than one. It not only makes me feel like I’m gliding like a bird over the Emerald Isle as I listen, but it’s mentally transporting too, lifting my thoughts higher and helping me focus on the Lord, reminding me that no matter what I need, He is able….

And here’s what has been in the CD player in our bedroom recently:


Williams’s music reminds me of my mother. She was a gifted musician and loved Andy’s rendition of Henry Mancini’s classic “Moon River.” To this day I can hardly hear that song without stopping whatever I’m doing, closing my eyes, humming along, and thinking of my mom.

So, it’s the first of August! That means I’ve already said, “Rabbit!” to several people, much to their annoyance. I can tell fall is approaching because the sunlight that streams through the front windows of our house is lower these days, more golden.

What’s on your playlist lately?


  1. Ganeida says:

    Love Eden’s Bridge. Have quite a bit of their stuff. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    & this:

    & this:

    Sadly the kids *borrowed* a lot of my stuff & it is now missing. *sigh*

    Hope you are feeling better & the knee is improving.

  2. Just Julie says:

    I tried several ways to listen to the first two on their site Ganeida and they wouldn’t play. Boo. But I was able to hear the third one and loved it. I ordered it and will be listening to it next week, Lord willing! Thank you for sharing these…..

  3. Kay in Cornwall says:

    Julie, I too loved the link to the same CD as you ordered. So I’ve ordered it as well!
    I like the way that you seem to have music all around your home.
    My mum used to like listening to Jim Reeves (yep!), Slim Whitman (yep!), Elvis (yep!) and Mario Lanza (oh, that’s a NO from me! ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    Love to you and Michael.

  4. Just Julie says:

    I like Jim Reeves Kay…and Elvis. I’m not sure about the other guys. ???? Hugs to you and Alan…lets catch up soon!, xo

  5. Ganeida says:

    A few years back. I liked the whole album but I still like this one.

  6. Just Julie says:

    Wow! I just listened to the whole song and loved it! I thought I had all of Sara Groves’s CDs but I’ve never heard this song before … Must be on his album? Thank you for sharing Ganeida and God bless your week! xoxo

  7. Ganeida says:

    It was a compilation thingy based around the 23rd Psalm. Some of it is absolutely exquisite. Unfortunately it was also something my kids liked. ๐Ÿ™

  8. Just Julie says:


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