He is risen, indeed!
April 23, 2011 | My Jottings
When I was a little girl, Easter meant dressing up in really fancy dresses, wearing a hat and gloves, going to Sunday school, and finding hidden candy and Easter eggs in our yard in Southern California.
Today, Easter means hope and light and mercy and power and love and so much more to me. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and thank God for all this event means to us. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then absolutely nothing I’ve based my life on is true — it’s all a farce. If Jesus really did come out of that grave then everything He said is true and this path we walk on this earth is only the beginning of our existence. These things we experience and see are but shadows…
“The benefits of the resurrection are innumerable. To list a few: our illnesses don’t seem nearly so final; our fears fade and lose their grip; our grief over those who have gone on is diminished; our desires to press on in spite of the obstacles is rejuvenated; and our identity as Christians is strengthened as we stand in the lengthening shadows of saints down through the centuries, who have always answered back in antiphonal voice: ‘He is risen, indeed!’ ”
Charles Swindoll
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From our family to yours, may you have a very blessed Easter!
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