December Days and Dreams
December 10, 2009 | My Jottings
Sometimes when a new month begins I like to ask readers what that particular month means in their lives. And since I’ve been a listmaker since the 1980s (but never, ever before that), I like to list the things that certain months mean to me.
To 99% of us, December means Christmas, it means the celebration of the birth of Jesus, it means shopping and carols and too many events to attend, it means spiced cider and Christmas cookie baking, and it means the smell of pine and the emptying of wallets. For many people, Christmas is a lonely season to get through as best they can, a time when good memories are scarce and the dysfunction they’ve grown up in still colors each day.
I’d like to know what a perfect December day would look like for you. What things, activities, people, music, food would be highest on your list? If you could, what would you cut out of your Christmas season? What would you add to it? Please take a moment to share, either one thing or several things in detail. I look forward to reading your thoughts!
For me, a perfect December day would include:
*Softly falling snow – huge fluffy flakes – no wind, and about 28 degrees. None of this hundred degree below zero stuff for which Minnesota is known.
*Tree lights glowing, carols playing softly on the intercom/stereo all throughout the house.
*One small but meaningful present under the tree for each person, with no focus or emphasis on those presents.
*Healing for Michael.
*The knowledge that the ice dam problem was solved once and for all.
*A savory something-or-other baking in the oven, a table set with candles.
*A small, stone neighborhood church within walking distance, where we would go for a candlelight service, carol singing and a message that would make our hearts swell with gratitude for what advent really means.
*The knowledge that something we did or gave or prayed made a difference to someone else in the world.
*A new and unique way to convey love and gratitude and motherly pride to my three precious daughters, Sharon, Carolyn and Sara.
*A flock of cardinals miraculously singing and feeding outside our kitchen window.
*A visit from friends, spiced cider to warm the hands, a fun game played with lots of laughter.
*Kisses and hugs from every grandchild.
*The story I never tire of, read aloud by my sons-in-law Chris and Jeremy, from the book of Luke.
*A knowing look between Michael and me, conveying a thousand memories and a profound, shared gratitude for what Jesus has meant in our marriage.
*Happy sledding near Birdinal Creek.
*Harmony, gentleness, kindness, respect and a deep, abiding love among and between every single family member.
*A lively crackling fire in the hearth.
*A walk in the snow after dinner.
*A short time of quiet prayer as a family, thanking God for giving us to each other, and asking for His help, guidance and strength to walk humbly with Him in the coming year.
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How about you? What would make a perfect December day for you?
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