A few quick thoughts…

February 23, 2014 | My Jottings

If you don’t live where I live and you visit this blog once in a while, you’re probably tired of reading about the snow and cold. If you do live where I live, you’re probably tired of living with the snow and cold. Unless you just skied the Birkebeiner or have visited the ice caves or love winter camping. Two days ago we had another storm and fifteen inches of new snow piled on top of the many feet already on the ground. Here’s a photo of our front steps, leading to the drifts that are almost seven feet high.


Foolishly, I always look ahead to see what good news of spring-like temperatures the forecast brings, and am learning I should just let it be. This coming Thursday the predicted low will be around -20 degrees. I must be done talking about this. There are things to smile about, and beauty to be noticed.

Here’s some beauty:


A simple white pitcher of alstroemeria, a long lasting flower that stayed fresh and lovely for nineteen days. I enjoyed it every single day.

Here’s some more beauty:


This is a large rectangular table-top arrangement Sara did for a friend’s birthday party. So modern and different!

Here’s something to smile about:


This view of Mildred and Edith caused Sara and me to sing “We had joy, we had fun, we had Schnauzers in the sun…” over and over until we giggled hard. If you have no idea what song we’re referring to, click here. It’s quite a heartbreaking song about death, really.

Here’s something else to smile (or chortle) about:


I was ten years old, and in the fifth grade at Workman Avenue Elementary School in West Covina, California. My teacher was Mrs. Helen Rorex and I adored her. I also had a crush on a class mate named Duane Edmunsen, but he wasn’t similarly inclined. Where should I start with this school picture? With the hair and the bow (which, by the way, my mother thought were beautiful)? Or with the little pin on the improperly turned turtleneck collar? Or maybe we should focus on those teeth, the ones that inspired my brother to lovingly make rodent noises with his upper teeth against his lower lip and call me Bucky Beaver all those many delightful years ago? (I know…he had the gift of encouragement.) When I look at this picture I smile at that smile, and am filled with gratitude for the orthodontia my parents secured for me the very next year.

Lately I have so much to write about and keep turning it all over in my mind, but just can’t get it out in print yet. I want to share about my granddaughter Li’l Gleegirl and what happened with her recently. It was a turning point in my life, of sorts. I have much to share about Michael, but hardly know how to begin. So I think and pray, put one foot in front of the other, and think and pray some more.

And I’ve been pondering Bucket Lists. I’ve always resisted that phrase since it seems so trendy, but I’ll go with it today. Here’s something on my list of things I’d like to do before I die:


Someday I’d like to spend an extended period of time in a cottage in the Highlands of Scotland, with some books, some tea, a continually blazing fire in the hearth and a good, clean, comfortable bed.

What kind of beauty do you see today? What makes you smile? What’s on your bucket list?


  1. Ember says:

    Glory, that snow!! Here in England, FINALLY, there are signs of spring. The rain is not so relentless. I think we’re near the end. I guess even when it stops those drifts are going to take a loooong time to thaw and disperse, though. How have you been managing with getting groceries and meds and everything?
    Looking forward to reading about Li’l Gleegirl. xxx

  2. Just Julie says:

    I’m so glad the rain is easing, Ember. Your beautiful country has had too much… I have good helpers who run my errands and get groceries for us. So thankful for them. Thank you for stopping by… xoxo

  3. connie says:

    Some beauty I see today….I STILL have tomatoes ripening on the vine, continually since last summer. I don’t mean to rub salt in the wound of your -20°, but I do wish we could have a bit of winter!
    I have 2 wonderful, handsome, God-loving sons who have each found a beautiful, God-loving woman they would like to marry soon.
    In my kitchen where the sink is full of dirty dishes, I still have some clean ones in the cupboard that I can use and I am so thankful!
    Outside in my yard, the smell of jasmine is sweet and strong and wonderful.
    Thank you for the reminder to stop and look for the beautiful! : )

  4. Just Julie says:

    I loved what you shared, Connie. Christy had told me about your tomatoes and I was envious and thought of fresh pico de gallo right away. xoxo

  5. Shari C. says:

    Good Morning (Afternoon!), Julie! Love your photos…and your school picture is adorable 🙂 Love to you today!

  6. Just Julie says:

    Thank you dear Shari… xoxo

  7. Ganeida says:

    We have rain! Nowhere near enough, nor heavy enough but better than the relentless humid dry we have had all summer. I have purring cats & hot coffee so as life doesn’t get much better than that I am perfectly happy. 🙂

  8. Just Julie says:

    Sounds absolutely heavenly, Ganeida. I’ll take rain over plain humidity any day. 🙂 Thinking of you so often… xoxo

  9. Ganeida says:

    I am a little quiet as things have been a tad rough & I don’t do so well. I should. I know all the right scriptures but some things just wipe the floor with me. 🙁 Doing better but very, very busy.

  10. Just Julie says:

    I completely understand, my friend. Love and prayers for you here… xoxo

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