Seven Things
June 22, 2010 | My Jottings
1. We hung bamboo shades in our kitchen windows yesterday. I would never have chosen bamboo shades, but Holly Mathis strongly recommended them for our kitchen, so I stepped out of the decorating box, and we love them!
2. It would be beyond wonderful to have a cook and a massage therapist on staff.
3. Based on recommendations from different book-loving friends, I picked up these books at the library last night: Called Out of Darkness – A Spiritual Confession by Anne Rice, An Infinity of Little Hours: Five young men and their trial of faith in the western world’s most austere monastic order by Nancy Klein Maguire, and China Court by Rumer Godden. Also a DVD entitled Into Great Silence.
4. I think this post on marriage at Sarah Markley’s blog is really worth reading and passing on to anyone who is married, or to anyone who is even thinking about marriage.
5. I have posts coming up about grandchildren and geese, window seats, UCLA’s John Wooden, a summer Bible study I’m part of called Breaking Free, and the insidious ivy that grows over an inch a day as it creeps malevolently up our chimney. Scintillating stuff, I tell you.
6. We’re excited about summer visitors! In late July and early August my step-mom Dorothy will be flying to MN to see us, along with my sister-in-law Christy and my niece Savannah, all at the same time! I’m already planning the menus.
7. We are gradually putting the finishing touches on our house with the intent to put it up for sale next summer. Simplifying, scaling back, smaller living, stability, service, security….these are all some S things I have in mind as we look toward a smaller existence. Christmas of 2011 will tell if the Lord had these things in mind for us as well.
What are your seven things today? I would love to know. Small thoughts, big dreams, dreary details – what’s going on with you?
1. I thought about your dad when I heard about John Wooden.
2. I am the Nana of the cutest little boy in existence right now.
3. I am living a “smaller existence,” I just wish it felt like it!
4. I really, really, love living at the beach.
5. I now have a local library card and plan on using it to pick up a few of the books you mentioned in your number 3.
6. I am really excited for your visitors (and you) this summer as I have had the blessed experience of being your summer guest before and they are in for a real treat!
7. Starting a business is more of a challenge than I feel up to some days.
Thank you for commenting, Tauni. Thankful for you, and praying for you and yours….
1. Several of us are hoping green macaroni and cheese is on the menu.
2.I am studying spiritual disciplines and have learned alot about “simplicity”.
3. Tn. had the coldest winter, biggest flood, and now hottest summer EVER!
4.My vegetable garden looks awful…..even zucchini isn’t doing well. The joke at church is….don’t leave your car window down or someone will drop zucchini in the front seat. This might be a summer I leave my window down, hoping…..
5.At the end of this month I am hopping a plane to Minnesota thanks to a husband and wifes wonderful generosity.
6.I love fresh green beans tossed in sesame oil and charred on the grill…..charred but still very crisp. In this foreign land I live in, people cook their CANNED green beans for hours….and hours… bean mush. Yuck!
7.The older I get, the more I love God.
You should write a book, Christy. Even reading your lists is one of my favorite things to do! Imagine a book!
1) We have a mousehole in our garden. Hebe left them a piece of cookie: they took it. She left them some chocolate; they took it. Tony left them some fresh fruit: they pushed it aside. I am going to leave them a pamphlet on Healthy Diet Choices.
2) We have so many snow peas ready to pick.
3) I am loving the roses this year – so many blooms, such amazing scents.
4) I am really looking forward to our church away weekend starting the day after tomorrow.
5) We had our piano moved from one room to the next room – both rooms look so much better.
6)It’s warm and sunny here – proper summer now 🙂
7) Fresh herb teas have my vote: they are much nicer than the dried kind.
Your mice sound like they might be related to me….we love snow peas in stir fry dishes….I hope to hear more about your weekend away….and I have never had fresh herb tea – do you make it yourself? If so, how?
1. Is thinking that the new Stride gum that turns from citrus to mint is very refreshing.
2. Shame on Bath and Body Works… “Sensual Amber Body Cream” dries out my hands horribly!
3. Yes, several of us are hoping for green mac n’ cheese.
4. Is wondering if her blog (still to be written), describing her recent adventures of not having a working bathroom in the house, is going to be too long. It might come in two parts.
5. Got bit on the boob by a spider. Sigh.
6. Is thinking about how much she loves the tomato bacon tartlets and the grape salad that were on the “buffet table” at work today. Everyone loves office parties, which obviously equal crazy amounts of food.
7. I’m considering leaving work early (which means working later tomorrow) so that I can go home to an empty house and fall asleep listening to the rain.