Wednesday’s Word-Edition 110

January 15, 2014 | My Jottings


“Think how much grace one saint requires, so much that nothing but the Infinite could supply him for one day; and yet the Lord spreads His table, not for one, but many saints, not for one day, but for many years; not for many years only, but for generation after generation.” – C.H. Spurgeon

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  1. Larry says:

    Hello Sis:

    I am alive today only by HIS GRACE, it is by HIM that I have a ministry, it is HE who gives me the desire to continue on.

    Now during the winter months, I can see another season of his MAJESTY, when I look at the trees and see that each tree also has it’s own DNA, just looking at the same type of tree, I can see that each tree has it’s very own fingerprints as the bark pattern on any two trees never are the same, nor are their limbs the same shape or size, and also each of the branches are also different from tree to tree. It is hard to imagine just how great HE really is.

    Think about it, not one human finger print is the same, not one bark pattern on any tree is the same as another, not one eye lense is the same as another, all of HIS CREATION has it’s very own character, it’s own design, it’s own proof reflecting HIS GLORY and of WHO HE IS.

    I am in awe of HIM each day and through each of the seasons. If we just look, we can see HIM EVERY WHERE!

  2. Just Julie says:

    I totally agree with you on every point, Lar! xo

  3. Patty says:

    Hi Julie,

    I am a day late, as often happens in my world. Yesterday was a day when I hope that I found Grace! I needed it to get through the day with composure and confidence and peace. Your post reminded me that Grace is a gift and I don’t need to work for it; I just need to accept it from Him.

    I am often a slow learner, thanks for this wonderful reminder. I think I will put a note above my desk with just that word as a gentle reminder, Grace is always within my reach.

    Love to my faraway friend!!

  4. Just Julie says:

    Thank you Patty. I like that — Grace is always within my reach. I think of it this way too: not only is it always within our reach, but His grace has often settled over us before we even reach for it. The older I get the more I see how desperately I need His grace and mercy every day… God bless your day Patty! xoxo

  5. Shari C. says:

    Love love, love this quote, Julie! Thanks for posting it 🙂

  6. Just Julie says:

    I’m glad you like it as much as I do, Shari… xoxo

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