Soon and very soon…
March 29, 2011 | My Jottings
It was nine degrees when I woke up yesterday morning.
But by the time I put dinner on the table at 6:00 p.m., it was thirty-seven degrees and the snow had gone down a little bit more. Today’s forecast calls for temperatures just above freezing, so we might see drips from the roof and wet streets — always a heartening sight in the Great North Woods.
I keep telling myself that soon and very soon, real spring will be here. Soon and very soon, this might be the view outside my office window once again. (Click to enlarge and see who loves spring as well…)
Green and lushness are coming. Leaves and shade are coming. Open windows and soft breezes are coming. Sandals and short sleeves are coming. Blooms and color are coming. Hammocks and 5:00 a.m. bird twitter are coming. Soon….
“It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”
Mark Twain
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What does the coming of spring mean to you?
It’s warm when I get up. It’s light when I get up. Early morning & evening are the best part of the day before the mozzies & midges arrive & before the heat lingers late & begins early. lol And we’re heading into winter. Brrrr ~ though not by your standards. No snow here.
Mozzies and midges – they sound formidable, Ganeida! Nice to see you. 🙂
I love the Mark Twain quote! Love it!! It’s so true!!
Spring feels like hope to me. Like new beginnings. Like a fresh feeding of my soul. When I drive down the road and hear the splash of the puddles and feel the sun on my face I feel like new life is being breathed into me. I feel like my “summer self” is going to show up soon. My “summer self” is a lot more fun than my “winter self.”
It means longer evenings and more time outside. It means that soon we will be seeing people who have been closed inside their houses all winter. It means summer is coming! It means I won’t be wearing long underwear much longer! And soon I will break out my Chacos!
Oh, I could go on and on!
You made me long for spring even more, Jessica. I have a better self too – she’s my “autumn self.” 😀
Ah, the joys of a shared language! lol Aussies will sorten everything that can be shortened & plenty of things that can’t so mossies= mosquitoes, midgies=midges/gnats, a sook is a cry~baby & to sprook [spruik] is to talk a lot, as in a salesman’s spiel. I may have to buy you an Aussie dictionary to aide conversation. lol Sorry, my love. I have an unusual vocab because the odder a word is the more likely I am to not only like it but to use it, wherever it comes from. You should hear Star. “Speak English, Mother!” 😀 Mind you, this was the child that told people to shut up in Old Gaelic. I know! Liddy is furious because she is finding she has the same problem. She has lived with me long enough that her peers struggle with her vocab. *snigger*
I understand now. Minnesota is famous for its huge mosquitoes. We have enormous biting flies in the pristine north woods too. And deer ticks. I detest ticks.
I love learning the vernacular from other places, and enjoy odd words too. I like the words moanworthy (meaning delicious) and chuckleworthy (easy to figure out that one)…I take credit for making them up but don’t think they’ll make the dictionaries. I’d love to be a midge or a mossy on the wall of your house, to hear all your unusual vocab. 🙂